What is menopause transition

Female menopause symptoms

How does menopause affect health?

What is the transition in menopause, i.e. the transition from the normal reproductive period to the menopause period? It is
a period in which many changes occur in a woman’s body. Even much more significant than the changes to
the body also has changes in its health
. Changes in behavior, life energy, and even changes in
attitude towards other people.

Menopause is inevitable for every woman. Today, menopause is talked about and known a lot more, therefore, it can affect the numerous complaints that menopause brings. That’s really good news for
us women. Menopause is not taboo, menopause is a period of life, which can be beautiful and healthy.

Terms that can sometimes confuse both young and mature women

Let’s start by clarifying some notions about the reproductive function of a woman and yes
let’s determine the meaning of certain concepts. What is menstruation anyway? What is menarche? And finally
what is menopause

Menarche is the first menstruation and starts from 10 to 15 years of age. Then the woman acquires
reproductive maturity. The body changes and then secondary sex characteristics develop in the body
of women. After the first menstruation, the menstrual cycle is formed. By definition, it is the space between
two periods. The first day of bleeding represents the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and the end
of the menstrual cycle is the day immediately before the start of the next menstrual bleeding.
The interval between periods of menstrual bleeding is usually from 21 to 35 days. It is most correct
that the cycle lasts 28 days.

Menstruation is cyclical bleeding that originates from the uterus during the fertile period of a woman’s life
and is caused by the peeling of the inner wall of the uterus, of course when pregnancy has not occurred.
In doing so, the tertiary de Graf Antral Follicle then the hormone level drops and leads to
the peeling of the uterus.

Blood and sloughed-off uterine tissue are expelled into the external environment through the vagina.
All this is regulated in the body by a very complex hormonal system, which acts according
to the principle of negative feedback. The hypothalamus from our brain secretes gonadotropic releasing hormones, which influence the pituitary gland to produce FSH and LH, which control the secretion of estrogen and
progesterone in the egg cell, i.e. in the ovary itself, which produces these hormones.

Exactly these
hormones regulate the duration of the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle, and between them is ovulation.
Ovulation is the period when fertilization by spermatozoa can occur. If it doesn’t come
after fertilization, the period of shedding of the uterus occurs again and this cycle is repeated until the end
of menstruation. The last period is called menopause!

The postmenopausal period is popularly known as

Menopause transition – When it occurs and the reasons why
the border of entering menopause is moving

So, if we want to be precise and completely correct, we have to say postmenopausal period and not
menopause, which marks the last period.
But it is domesticated to use only the word
menopause, so we can freely talk like that too.

Transition in menopause ie. the transition to menopause occurs around the age of fifty.
Of course, not every woman at the same age. That limit is moving today. Often that limit
shifts due to earlier entry into the reproductive period.

Another reason for the displacement
of the limit is also the large number of hormones in the food we eat. We can often read about it on
many portals, but we usually do not know how these hormones from food harm our health.

The third reason that is being talked about more and more is the negative effect of plastic that poisons our environment.
You really have to think about it because the problem of environmental pollution does not happen there
somewhere and it’s not just a problem for some people, but for all of us. It sounds incredible, but plastic has substances
that mimic hormones in our bodies.

We drink polluted water and eat food
originating from animals that are contaminated with plastic and all of this contributes to the reduced
reproductive period, which means earlier menopause.

And as a fourth reason, we can single out everything
more common problem of sterility. Sterility is treated by stimulating menstrual cycles. The functional
reserve is used up, hormones are used up and menopause is entered earlier.

Female menopause symptoms

Menopause symptoms that we don’t see are more dangerous

The period of a woman’s transition to menopause and how she feels. Hot flashes are characteristics
that alternate with a feeling of coldness. After reading, we can conclude that this symptom is not
at all easy to bear. Sweating also occurs.

Mood swings are common. Depressing Read more
episodes can often lead us to a psychiatrist. Hair falls, skin loses tone, changes occur
and in the female genital organs. A woman loses her desire for sex, she loses her desire for love.

However, much bigger problems are those that we don’t notice right away. As long as there is enough
estrogen, women are protected from many diseases. When menopause occurs, the hormone level drops
this is where the problem arises
. Diseases of blood vessels and the heart occur in women precisely in this period.

Fall down
estrogen increases the concentration of cholesterol and accelerates the process of atherosclerosis. An incident occurs
between myocardium and stroke. Definitely, a big problem in menopause is the loss of estrogen. It is said
that one is only as healthy as one’s blood vessels’ health

Another disease that threatens, which is
more common is diabetes, i.e. diabetes. Much more insulin is consumed the functional decreases
pancreatic reserve. An even bigger problem is that resistance to the action of insulin occurs and develops
type II diabetes.

Then osteoporosis, which is perhaps the biggest problem for older women. Bones lose
calcium, they become brittle and brittle. Fractures in such people heal very difficult or not at all.
The disappearing estrogen preserves our calcium.

While the menopause transition lasts, in that period,
it pulls calcium out of the bones and that’s why osteoporosis occurs. Another significant problem is the dryness
vagina so every intercourse can be painful and traumatic.

Menopause transition – Women’s problems then and now

Once upon a time, the discomforts that women felt due to menopause were not very clear
Women went from doctor to doctor to find out what and when they were sick.
Often the problems of these women were not even discussed at home because hormones are taboo

Today, however, women are in a better position, and modern, contemporary times have brought a more relaxed way
of communication
, so all diseases and disorders are discussed more openly. Today, many women are
more willing to seek professional help if symptoms become unbearable.

Does every woman have to have pronounced problems in menopause?

The fact is that not every woman goes through this period in the same way. It will not appear in every woman
during the same period, although “according to the books” women enter menopause around the age of fifty.

Can menopause occur before the age of fifty?

The menopause transition is a period that should not occur too early in a woman’s life.
Unfortunately, it can occur even before the age of forty. Doctors even advise such people
estrogen supplementation to maintain health.

Another problem is that there were no more births
during that period. Menopause is the last period, with no more cycles, and no ovulation and that can
pose a problem for women who would like to enlarge their family.

Genetics plays an important role

Genetics plays a big role in this process. Many traits and many diseases are inherited
unfortunately, the period of entry into menopause is also inherited. We must be aware of that.

What can we do to make it easier to get through this period?

Prevention is important.

If we look at everything and see how nature has rewarded us, we are fully aware of what awaits us
in a turbulent period
or we are already in it, maybe it is good to think in time about how to
let’s help ourselves.

Prevention is important. Therefore, one must think about reproductive health
time. Regular gynecologist examinations, solving hormonal imbalances, and avoiding hormones
contraceptives are the best prevention measures to prevent early menopause.

When she calls, we can also help ourselves. A healthy lifestyle makes it easier to bear
the transition to menopause. Frequent walks in nature, a proper diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
The intake of antioxidants is very important to prevent damage to the organs and cells of our body.

In order to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, we must be careful and regulate our concentration
of cholesterol.
The intake of unsaturated fatty acids is very important.

Nuts, avocados,
olive oil is a mandatory part of our diet in menopause. We must take care of the amount entered
vitamins and minerals
to prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D and calcium are essential.

body weight must be optimal in order to protect the heart and regulate blood pressure. The pressure is necessary
to measure and check more often. The intake of simple sugars must be reduced to a minimum for preventing
the occurrence of diabetes.

Regular glycemic control is also necessary. They are recommended
as complex carbohydrates that are gradually digested and gradually release energy. We have to be optimistic 🙂
smile, be cheerful, and enjoy life because that is the best prevention.

Does diet help?

Of course, dietary supplements can be used to increase the intake of minerals and vitamins.
We can always take vitamin D as a supplement and we will never go wrong, especially not in
the period of transition to menopause.

Calcium should be increased. There are herbal preparations that
regulate the level of hormones without causing disturbances in the body. All of this should be used in
consultation with a doctor.
More frequent checks of health and hormonal status are also recommended in this

Some women can definitely be called lucky because they will go through this period without any problems
is menopausal or will have extremely mild symptoms. We are all different, that is. each of us is
a small unique work of art. 🙂

We should not be afraid, this is after all something that nature intended for us. It doesn’t seem easy, but it has to be done

In the end, no matter what, we can say that we are happy because we are women! We are the ones we have there
honor to give a new life. All this is just one period of life that we will go through
we are passing, and we will come out as winners!

Get informed, nature always provides good and quality solutions for numerous problems. Make it easy on yourself
as much as you can because you deserve it! 🙂

I hope you like this little article of mine and that someone was able to find a solution to the problems. I just have to mention that I am not a doctor or quack, everyone should contact their doctor or nutritionist.

You can contact me or leave a comment, and I will do my best to answer as soon as possible. I wish you good health 🙂 Zveki… 

4 thoughts on “What is menopause transition”

  1. Hi Звеки,
    This is an article that women should read. Sooner or later they are going to deal with all the problems of menopause. I am sure many women do not realize that menopause pulls calcium out of their bones. What can they do to replace this calcium they are losing? Do supplements really replace the calcium? I also wonder what diet changes could help women through this period of their life. Thank you for sharing this important information.

    • I agree and you have asked an excellent question. Sooner or later, many women will face menopause, and as for calcium, it should be taken in moderate amounts as a supplement and in addition to a healthy diet. Of course with the consultation of a doctor or nutritionist. It is also necessary to pay attention to the first symptoms of menopause when a certain level of hormones decreases. So it is best to prevent, not cure. 🙂 Thank you for your comment and I wish you good health. 🙂

  2. Hey,

    This is such an interesting and important article. There are quite a few women in my family and as friends that I believe I should share this article with. Exercise and diet is obviously an important part of coming out of the menopause transition as a winner, and not let it affect their lives in a negative way.

    Thank you for sharing such an important article and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


    • I agree that physical activity, but of course, a healthy diet also helps women emerge victorious from the menopause period. Thank you for your comment and I wish you good health 🙂


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