Psyche and diabetes

Mental disorders and diabetes

How to cure stress naturally?

I am glad to welcome you again 🙂 Today we can talk a little about mental disorders and diabetes.

Diabetes and mental health

A life that is not sweet

Diabetes and mental health have been the subject of much research and recent studies
Scientists have noticed a cause-and-effect relationship between mental health and
diabetes. So on the one hand, diabetes can be a trigger for mental disorders but
on the other hand, impaired mental health can be a path to diabetes.

There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease
when the body does not produce insulin at all, while type 2 diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas
produces less insulin than the body needs.

Both diagnoses come as a shock to the patient, as diabetes is an incurable
disease and other things, to keep the disease under control requires great discipline and change
in life habits and style. Most people who have been diagnosed with diabetes do not know how to do it
they face the fact that they will not be able to eat and behave as before. Mental symptoms depression

Some people with diabetes, especially at first, feel that they have been wronged
since they will have to live completely differently than they are used to. They feel deprived
to enjoy life, limited, and restrained. Such emotions represent a path to depression and
That is why caring for mental health and diabetes is equally important.

Living with diabetes is living by the rules

Diagnosis of diabetes is dangerous to health. If the rules of life are not followed
With diabetes, a person’s health can significantly deteriorate and even be life-threatening
diabetics. Diabetes and mental health are more connected than previously thought!

Here, it is not just a matter of changing your diet in terms of avoiding certain foods and drinks.
Living with diabetes also implies additional responsibilities in everyday life. That
involves regular monitoring of blood glucose levels, taking medication at a specific time, proper nutrition at a specific time, and giving up or exercising specific
physical activities. Click here 

Namely, people with diabetes depending on the type of diabetes, age, and the possible existence
of other medical conditions, ie chronic diseases, may not be able to deal with
certain sports in the same way and to the same extent as before. On the other hand, some people with diabetes
may need to introduce some form of physical activity into their routine.

All of these changes can be mentally exhausting for a diabetic. Getting used to the new way
of life
requires mental strength and if a person is mentally ill, the consequences can be
devastating. Often, people who have been diagnosed with diabetes and are starting treatment,
complain about the lack of energy to perform daily duties and the lack of joy in life.

How are diabetes and mental health-related?

Diabetic distress

People who have been diagnosed with diabetes first face fear. It’s about fear
from & quot; jumping & quot; sugar to life-threatening values.
In addition, frequent changes in
sugar levels, and cause changes in the mood of diabetics. It can be stressful not only
for them but also for family members and other close people. Click here

Sugar fluctuations in diabetics show other symptoms of mental disorders such as
constant fatigue, problems with learning, acquisition of new knowledge, and clear thinking.

What is diabetic distress?

Mental health and diabetes can develop into a condition called diabetic stress. U
is a mental disorder that has the characteristics of anxiety, stress, and depression. Stress
affects people with type 1 diabetes and people with type 2 diabetes differently.

When a person with type 1 diabetes is in a stressful situation, it can occur
an increase or decrease in blood glucose levels. On the other hand, when a person with diabetes is 2
exposed to great stress, there is only an increase in blood sugar levels.

In addition to mental stress, physical stress can affect changes in blood glucose levels.
In this case, great physical stress can cause an increase in glucose levels in people with both types
diabetes. Physical stress is also equated with conditions when a person is injured or ill.

There are methods by which diabetics can monitor the connection between mental stress and
blood sugar levels. One of the most practical ways is to take notes when the sugar level is
elevated in relation to some stressful situation.

For example, it has been noticed that people with diabetes have elevated blood sugar levels on Mondays.
This happens because of the beginning of the work week, which is otherwise stressful for most people. After
weekends and relaxation times comes Monday when we face work commitments and
possible stressful situations at work.

When a diabetic assesses on the basis of notes which situations cause stress in him and himself
team and blood sugar fluctuations, can take steps to relieve stress. It can be
meditation, positive affirmations, or avoiding a stressful situation if possible.

In addition to depression and anxiety, diabetics also have an increased risk of various types
of eating disorders. This risk is twice as high in people with type 1 diabetes.
Research shows that bulimia is the most common eating disorder in women with diabetes
type 1, while women with type 2 diabetes most often have a problem with overeating.

Mental health and type 1 diabetes

People with type 1 diabetes

People with type 1 diabetes need to take care of their mental health and above all
pay attention to your emotions. First of all, this refers to the identification of the emotions that are in
connection with the disease itself. Mental health and type 1 diabetes require family support,
friends, medical workers, and experts or trained educators.

There are special mental health counseling centers in many countries
for diabetics. It is also recommended to connect with people who suffer from the same disease. Exchange
The experience and support of people suffering from the same problem can be of great help to
acceptance and understanding of this disease.

This is actually about the emotional support of the community, which has a big role in managing
diabetes. People with diabetes best understand other people with diabetes who do
they face daily monitoring of blood sugar levels, insulin dosing, and
diet planning.

The most pronounced emotions that people with type 1 diabetes suffer from are denial, anger, and
depression. Denial occurs at the very beginning of the disease or when it is set
. After that, anger arises with the inevitable question & quot; why me & quot; after that
if a person does not cope with these emotions, the path to depression is guaranteed.

Other problems in people with type 1 diabetes can be identified as:

  •  loss of interest
    The person no longer finds satisfaction in the things he has enjoyed until then.

  •  sleep disorder
    Shorter or longer sleep, waking up during the night, difficulty falling asleep.

  •  eating disorder
    Changes in appetite, large weight loss or weight gain.

  •  listlessness
    Loss of energy manifests as lethargy, apathy, and fatigue.

  •  nervousness
    It can turn into irritability or anxiety, or the inability to stay on for a long time
    in the same place.

  •  Guilt
    Guilt that the person got sick at all, that he is a burden to others.

  •  Sadness
    It is usually felt in the morning compared to the rest of the day.

  •  Retreat into yourself
    Giving up friendships, socializing and joint activities.

  •  Suicidal thoughts
    Suicidal thoughts and thoughts of self-harm are a sign that it is high time for a person to look
    professional help.

These symptoms may not occur in all people with type 1 diabetes
several symptoms and some face much greater challenges. It depends on the year
age, and life circumstances in which the person finds himself, and the worsening of the condition can be influenced by
a family history of depression.

Mental health and type 2 diabetes

Mental illness and type 2 diabetes

Recent research shows a link between type 2 diabetes and a wide range of mental disorders.
These include sleep disorders, substance abuse, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, and psychosis.

Also, research has shown that between mental health and type 1 diabetes
there is a correlation, that is, studies have shown with people diagnosed
with depression are more likely to get diabetes. Conversely, people with diabetes have more
chances of suffering from severe depression.

Scientists have not been able to definitively discover what is behind this two-way relationship. One of
the hypothesis is that changes in intestinal microbes may have an impact on the brain and metabolism so
the team itself and on diabetes and mental disorders.

Mental illness and type 2 diabetes are also associated with shorter life expectancy. According to
a recent study conducted in Sweden, which included 250 thousand respondents,
it has been found that the increase in mortality at a younger age is much higher in people with diabetes and
mental illnesses such as depression.

According to one theory, this outcome occurs because people with mental illness have
difficulty managing diabetes, that is, adhering to treatment rules
the disease itself. In addition, such persons have a delay in seeking medical help
that is, diagnosing the disease.

Accordingly, a mandatory protocol in the treatment of diabetes has been introduced in some countries
including mental health screening. The starting point in the treatment of diabetes

Diabetes and mental health should be general practitioners whose role is in the early detection of the disease. Then
integrating physical and mental health as a whole, which as such is approached in treatment.

When it comes to diabetes, it is becoming increasingly clear that good results in disease management are possible
to gain only if it is treated or kept under control both physically and mentally at the same time
health. So, physical health monitoring alone is not enough no matter how good it is.

Diabetes and mental health must also have social support. Counseling for
diabetes, which exists in almost all countries, must expand its field of action to
mental health care and comprehensive support for people with diabetes.

Accordingly, we must constantly work on informing the population about diabetes as well
disease, its physical and mental characteristics.

Understand your diabetic

Mental health and diabetes require the support of society and family. If all people
understand what diabetes is and what its consequences are for physical and mental health,
it will be easier to understand diabetes from his environment.

These are primarily related to family relationships. If you notice your diabetic
mood swings, anger, sadness, and listlessness – do not judge him, but understand him. The time
you will help him a lot and give him great support in accepting the disease and keeping it under control

Accordingly, family therapies that help family members are very productive
in better-resolving conflicts and regulating emotions. The work environment must also show
understanding and the appropriate degree of tolerance when it comes to people with

I would have written so much for now 🙂 I just have to emphasize that I am not a doctor and quack doctor Everyone should consult their doctor or nutritionist.

I hope you like this little article and if anyone wants to contact me you can leave a comment and I will do my best to respond as soon as possible. I wish you good health 🙂 Zveki …

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4 thoughts on “Psyche and diabetes”

  1. There is a book called the Diabetes Code by Dr. Jason Fung which helps people to get rid of diabetes naturally for good if you get to that space where you are able to alter their lifestyle for health reasons. Mental health needs to be addressed in its early stages if and when identified. Thank you for highlighting and bringing awareness to these issues that are taking a toll on families and communities.

    • Yes, I agree. Dr. Fung explained beautifully how we can cure diabetes naturally. Modern diet is the cause of many diseases. It may be a slightly slower natural healing process, but you wrote well that if we start on time when we detect the first symptoms of the disease, then our treatment will have long-term and lasting value! Thank you for your comment and I wish you good health.

  2. Thank you for this article.

    Scientists have long suspected a correlation between mental health and diabetes.
    Now they have proof.
    Type 2 diabetes is twice as likely to develop in people with depression.
    The reason for this link is not yet clear,
    but scientists are searching for answers.
    One theory is that the stress of depression makes it harder to control blood sugar levels.
    Another possibility is that depressed people eat more unhealthy foods.
    Whatever the cause, it’s important to be aware of the link between mental health and diabetes.

    • Yes I agree and it is simply necessary to find a balance or some balance between diabetes and mental health, depression. Healthy diet, physical activity, spiritual hygiene and we will gradually see positive results 🙂 thank you for your comment and I wish you health.


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