law of attraction health

Attracting health  Law of healthy and unhealthy diet  Today, we all know that an unhealthy diet is the number one cause of death in the world! Our daily diet is a bigger killer than smoking, and according to some statistics that I read, it is nicely written that about 10 to 15 million people die … Read more

Healthy body makes healthy mind!


Healthy body healthy mind and spirit 

Urgently need psycho-physical activity! Our body is the most complex thing God has given us! It is simply a miracle. Our body contains all the elements: fire, water, air, earth, our body is made of earth. Since we exist, the body serves us and will serve us until death. The most important thing is to understand how our body listens and we thank it the least. Our body serves in the best possible way. One does not have to fight with one’s body – it is ugly, aggressive, and aggressive. The body is our temple … We live in that temple and we should take care of it, that is our responsibility. When we understand our body we will solve many health problems! Most problems are psychosomatic because the body and the mind are not separate. The mind is the inner part, and the body is the outer part of the body. Beyond body 

The body is a miniature universe

The difference between the body and the universe is only. There is a mountain, tons and tons of various books, literature written about our body and mind. For example, think and get rich, but we should not only aim to get rich financially but also healthily! In the first place to put our health, and the rest comes As itself. Each of us has a choice when we wake up every morning whether we will be happy or unhappy? There are now hidden life habits that we need to change is not easy, but gradually we can. Our positive thoughts reject the negative. With our life habits, we can achieve the greatest adventure in life, and that is to get to know ourselves! :-)The more times we fall in life, the more times we should get up. Every time we get up after a fall, we get new strength to move on. Every man is special, there are no two same people! how many times we fall in life so many times I need to get up. Each time you get up after the fall gives new strength to go on. Each man is special no two are the same man! my way of life can not be anyone’s way, but you might not like it. Click here


If we are under stress, we often feel tired when we are upset. So we need to rest our mind and body. We need a good rest for our health, body, mind, and mood, especially since we spend a third of our lives sleeping. Sleep problems can be the cause of many things, from eating or drinking before bed to the position in which we sleep. There are bad and there is a good sleeping position to sleep.

The best position to sleep on your back:

Sleeping on the back relaxes the muscles of the neck and spine and keeps the neck in a neutral position, but our knees must be bent while lying on our backs. I know that from my personal experience because I also go to physiotherapy because of my spine! for sleeping which is the best!

Side position :

Sleeping on your side is good for those who have problems with snoring, neck and spine pain, but also for pregnant women as well. Also, the mattress and pillow must be in good line with the neck during sleep for better rest!

The Worst stomach position:

Sleeping on the stomach is never advised because it does not support the natural line of the spine. It also creates pain in muscles and joints that can lead to stiffness and cramps. This sleeping position should be avoided by those who have a problem with the neck and spine.

The second worst position of the fetus:

If we sleep on our side with our legs folded on our chest, it can lead to back pain. Sleeping in the fetal position can lead to severe back and joint pain, especially if our chins and knees are almost connected during sleep! Sleep position and type Mattresses and pillows play a very important role in supporting the contours of our body. Pressure on any part of the body can disrupt sleep. Good sleep requires a good sleeping position and a good mattress or bed.

How to make our brain work faster

Everyone would like to think faster and more efficiently, but it is not easy. However, if we work on it and if we know what we need to do, our brain will start working relatively fast, and maybe super-fast

1. Throw out negative thoughts

All the tragic news that surrounds us every day through the media, radio, newspapers, etc … We just need to replace it with positive thoughts and our brains will be grateful for that.

2. Memory training

Our brain is like any other muscle, the more we exercise it, the more it will work and remember. We should try to remember some historical events, the names of some people and something similar every day. That way we refresh and improve our memory. Does it happen to someone that they lose their belongings every day? For example, apartment keys, car keys, documents, or where is my towel, socks, etc … 🙂

3. Be physically active

It is not said that a healthy spirit is in vain in a healthy body! With regular exercise, we improve our circulation in the body and thus endorphins are released through our brain, which relieves our stress and gives us much more energy and concentration! Which I experienced many times when I was actively involved in sports!

4. Get enough sleep

And finally, good sleep and rest contribute to our brain to work better and sort all the information in its place. And of course better memory! Also, a healthy diet is essential for our brain as well as the whole organism. As many fruits and vegetables, cereals, natural fruit and vegetable juices, and as light dinner as possible before going to bed!

Laughter and positive thoughts

Laughter as a medicine for our heart and brain

1. Aggression, anger, anxiety, viruses, and overall social isolation lead to a high risk of heart disease, brain disease, on the other hand, joy, laughter, a sense of humor can help us stay healthy. Laughter is a medicine for our soul, heart, and brain. The positive effects of laughter last 24 hours. Laughter has been shown to have a positive effect on other aspects of our biochemistry as well. For example, it reduces negative reactions to stress and promotes better blood circulation to our heart!

2. It is believed that laughter reduces the risk of a heart attack. We should focus on positive things. Spend more time with us dear people who make us laugh and relax. People still knew that in ancient times! court fools in their castles 🙂 to make them laugh and to rest for a moment from various worries and wars, etc … We should watch some circus, funny movies, comedies in moderation, and if laughter becomes a part of our everyday life, we can quickly recover and reject all these risks of illness!

How to rejuvenate our skin


Aging is inevitable, but who says we have to look at our age? There are more ways to go back an hour and rejuvenate our skin to look younger without cosmetic surgery than natural!

Drink water

Drink water even though there is no real source of youth, water is close to that. Without enough water, our skin cells are not able to function well enough and the skin can become dry and tight. Water not only hydrates us but can also prevent wrinkles. Of course, there is no ideal amount of water to drink now, but you should listen to your body!

Quit smoking

Quit smoking, quitting smoking is one of the better ways to improve your health and beautify and rejuvenate your skin. Smokers have bigger problems than non-smokers with sleep. In addition, smoking accelerates aging and wrinkles appear faster than usual. Here you can compare your skin smokers and non-smokers just watch when you have a situation and you will see the difference!

Herbal products

Limit sun exposure

It is not news that excessive sun exposure is harmful to our skin. It is also associated with premature aging and wrinkles. And a much higher possibility of skin cancer. Ultraviolet rays are to blame for this, and ultraviolet light intensifies wrinkles. Limiting time in the sun and regular use of healthier sunscreen can rejuvenate our skin!

I would have so briefly to write to you for now in this little short article of mine, but I sincerely hope that maybe this will be helpful to someone to find themselves at least somewhere a bit? I can try to transfer some of my knowledge to someone with my experiences and help someone to improve their health! If someone wants, they are free to ask something, and I will do my best to answer as soon as possible. Be in good health. Zveki… 

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